Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009

The justACRO story: Adrenaline and Turbulence

Adrenaline and Turbulence (a film directed by András Kollmann) looks deep into the acro paragliding scene, presenting and interviewing many of the world's top pilots as they have never seen before. It’s the story of the justACRO Team - two motivated pilots from a flat country, who decide to give up their lives and make their dreams come true...

„An action film, an educational tool, a road movie and a story of personal triumph, Adrenaline and Turbulence is a movie that wears many hats” Bob Drury

“Pál Takáts and Gábor Kézi’s acro film is a new classic. Refreshingly, it doesn’t feature any monologues about life lessons or living in the moment – it simply revels in the sheer fun of it all. And rather than just being a collection of whacky stunts it stands alongside the classic Never Ending Thermal as an engaging, intelligent, well-shot film that tells a proper story. It even has a good soundtrack."

A film dedicated to Mathias Roten.

“It’s also educational and informative. Not in a ‘now weightshift left’ way, although there is a bit of that in the extras (and it’s well done), but in framing the whole acro scene, from its roots in the early 1990s, to today, where pilots like Pál and Gábor can pick up the sport and within a few years be on the podium. (...) It explains where the sport has come from, talks to the people who developed it, touches on acro’s slow, dangerous, two decades of development, and presents it as an accessible standalone discipline. All while showcasing some stunning flying in beutiful places…"
Ed Ewing - DVD review in the Cross Country magazine (sept/oct. 2009)

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