Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011

cool things from recycled wings

BLAUVENT by Carmesine it is a spanish based company, we have created a line of bags and accessories for paraglider pilots, made by paraglider pilots! Because each item in the recycled line is made from a different piece of each recycled wing, each product is unique. BLAUVENT offers a variety of products, from bags, to swimwear and scarves to wall art and even some furniture.
The name of the brand originates in Valenciano, BLAUVENT is ‘’blue wind’’, manufacturing designs inspired by the air and paragliding. The design begins with renders which are made into their original fabrics. Our prints are designed and produced by us.

All products are individually hand made with great care in Spain at Blauvent’s small scale production facility. Everyday we are adding new designs on our constant growth product range.

to the BLAUVENT website

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