Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012
GoPro Aludapter und Ski Aluschuh Mounts
Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2012
Mount Infinity by Judith Zweifel: Acro movie
Christmastime, you need a gift but you have no idea?
Here is exactly the right one: Mount Infinity - not for paragliding pilots only!
Check the trailer
More about the movie on the official website of Judith Zweifel,
DVD Mount Infinity - order here:
In der Schweiz via Filmformat
In Deutschland und Österreich via Thermik Verlag
International by Cross Country Magazine
Sonntag, 11. November 2012
Chrigel Maurer zu Ozone
Chrigel Maurer wird auch im 2013 am Red Bull X-Alps teil nehmen. Um seine Ziele motiviert und zuversichtlich
anzupacken, macht er sich ab 1. Januar 2013 selbstständig. Aus diesem
Grund und damit er in allen Facetten des Gleitschirmfliegens mit einem
Partner zusammen arbeiten kann, vertraut er ab Januar 2013 auf die
Gleitschirmpalette der Firma Ozone .
Doch lest selbst:
Freitag, 2. November 2012
is a new disclipline born?
Beni Kälin and Dominik Wicki flying with the
paragliders from Schilthorn to Jungfrau Exit and Buffalo Bill exit put
their wings in the wingsuits and fly down nice little duathlon ....
Check out the last 30 seconds! Is a new discipline "wingsuit hang soaring" born?
Fly to B.A.S.E. from Patrick Pearson on Vimeo.
Dienstag, 4. September 2012
Mount Infinity
Das Schweizer Fernsehen zeigt heute Abend 4. September 2012 um 18:55 den Dokumentarfilm «Mount Infinity» mit Judith Zweifel in der Reihe «Sommer-Challenge» auf SF2.
Link zur Sendung
In der dritten Folge der «Sommer-Challenge» will die Gleitschirmakrobatik-Weltmeisterin Judith Zweifel das derzeit schwierigste Gleitschirmmanöver, das Infinity Tumbling, lernen. Bis anhin beherrschen nur Männer diese Technik. Beim Tumbling fliegt der Pilot nicht wie beim klassischen Looping über den Schirm hinweg, sondern die Drehachse liegt zwischen Pilot und Schirm. Das Akrobatik-Manöver verzeiht keine Fehler. Das weiss Judith Zweifel. Immer wieder stellt sich die Ende 1977 Geborene im Training ihren Ängsten und sucht neue Wege, um diese zu überwinden. Mit ihrem selbstgedrehten Videotagebuch gewährt sie einen seltenen Einblick in die Innenwelt einer Spitzensportlerin. Zu sehen sind spektakuläre Bilder einer aussergewöhnlichen Sportart und die berührende, ehrliche Geschichte einer eindrücklichen Sportlerin.
Mittwoch, 29. August 2012
Climbing and paragliding in the Eiger region
Thanks to high Achim, the weekend of 18/19 August 2012 was probably “THE” weekend of this summer. Hot and magnificent weather and in particular it was stable without any risk of thunderstorm. Together with Markus Zimmermann Itook the train up to the Schilthorn. From the famous Piz Gloria we glided to the other side of the valley, where we landed on an Alp. The distance was approx. 6 km. From our landing place we hiked up 1000 meter to the Rotal hut. A magnificent summer evening in the mountains expected us. The ridges and border of the mountains were so clear in the horizon at sunset. It has been quite a while I had seen such an brilliant sunset. The night was short. Already at 3 pm Markus and I stood in front of the hut. Our goal was the Jungfrau over the Rotal ridge. Early in the morning we reached the summit of the Jungfrau. At 8 pm our paragliders were ready for another flight. We had perfect north-west-wind, ideal conditions to start. My flight lasted 27 minutes. I landed on the glacier underneath the Mönch Northface. Markus flew to another direction towards Wilderwil.

So now I was on my way alone. I put my paraglider back into my backpack and I started to climb again. The Lauperroute at the Mönch was after exactly one hour and 55 minutes below me and I stood on the second summit of the famous „Oberländer Dreigestirns“. The wind was still very gentle. Another time I could enjoy the luxury of a flight. I flew from the Mönch over the “Eigerjöche” to “Eismeer”; a complete change of scenery . In the middle of crevasses I found a place to land. Again I packed my equipment into my backpack. It was already quite warm on this Saturday afternoon and the sun burned on the glacier. I wanted to leave this place as fast as possible. I had to hike back for about half an hour to reach the way to the Mitellegi hut. Once I reached the hut I enjoyed a decent meal: bread and mountain cheese. Simply great after all the sweet powerbars. I set off my afternoon tour at the "Mittellegigrat". Exactly at 15.13 hours I reached the summit of the Eiger: Once more in my life and again a very special moment to me.

To fly means something completely new to me. You need a lot of pacience if you want to have good conditions to be able to fly and climb at the same time. I had this idea of flying and climbing for a long time. I am happy that it worked. My summit rest last only for a short moment. I descended over the west side until I was at the height of the “Genferpfeiler”. I was happy to still find good wind conditions. My legs started to be tired and the flight down do Stechelberg was definitively less exhausting than walking. At 17.00 hours a long day came to its end.
Link to Ueli Steck with all the pictures
Montag, 20. August 2012
’50′ pilots topland Mont Blanc as Chamonix sees record day
A record 50+ paraglider pilots successfully top-landed Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps, on Sunday 19 August, a day which will surely go down in Chamonix paragliding history as one of the most remarkable ever.
With pilots climbing to 5,000m and blue skies all around, one of the pilots, Sylvain Gattini, summed up the experience of landing on Europe’s highest peak saying, “And here I am, in heaven!”
Sylvain’s blogpost and see the photos here.
See photos on Facebook from Gael Lafond who toplanded on the top.
Mont Blanc from Stéphane Boulenger on Vimeo.
Quelle: Cross Country
Mittwoch, 15. August 2012
Akro Schweizermeisterschaft am Brienzersee
Zur Website des Veranstalters: ACBEO
Gleitschirm Akrobatik: Fun oder Wahnsinn
Judith Theurillat (Zweifel) und Chrigel Maurer drehen Saltos und Schrauben in den Himmel - mit dem Gleitschirm!
Chregi von JOIZ TV
diskutiert mit den Profi-Akrobaten, ob sie damit Kopf und Kragen
riskieren. Und was man fühlt, wenn man fliegen kann wie ein Adler.
Zur Sendung:
Montag, 6. August 2012
Luftraumsperrung 20 Jahre Hunterverein
Luftraumsperrung Training and Display Patroille Suisse
Temporärer Flugbeschränkungsraum (TEMPO Restricted Area)
Zum Programm: Hunterverein Interlaken
Einschränkung: Einflug verboten
Freitag, 10. August 2012 14:45 - 15:45 Uhr
Samstag, 11. August 2012 14:45 - 15:45 Uhr
Ort: Interlaken (Koordinaten 46°40'57"N / 007°53'10"E)
Radius: 10 Km
Untergrenze: GND
Obergrenze: FL 130/3'960m
Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012
Sommerflugfest Interlaken
you are welcome
Infos: Website Deltaclub Interlaken
Programm: Sommerflugfest.pdf
Tandem Gleitschirmflüge:
Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012
Wingsuit landing
Congarts to Gary Connery - the first man to land a wingsuit without a parachute!!!!
will they soaring with paragliders soon?
Montag, 30. April 2012
Neue Kamerahalterungen
Montag, 2. April 2012
Annemarie fliegt Gleitschirm
Link zum SF Videoportal Happy Day
Der Gleitschirmflug mit Annemarie hat Riesen Spass gemacht! Vielen Dank an Röbi Koller, das Happy Day Team und an "Kameraflyer" Häppy Michel.
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012
Happy Day

Freitag, 23. März 2012
Human Birdwings
Engineer Jarno Smeets (31) is the first man in history to have made a successful short flight with his self-built wings modeled on the movement and structure of real bird wings. Assisted by an electronic system of his own design, Smeets took off from the ground in a park in The Hague last sunday 18th of March 2012. The flight of an estimated hundred meters lasted about a minute, after which Smeets landed safely.
The Birdman movie / Vogelmensch Video
Read more about this perfect fake at 'his' website:
Donnerstag, 22. März 2012
Massangefertigtes Gurtzeug UL1
Sonntag, 18. März 2012
Danke an Häppy von der Flugschule Ikarus, Hansruedi, Lukas und Märkel für den schönen Fotoflug.
Freitag, 16. März 2012
DEATHBLADE - wings of change
When designing this sensational wing, we spared neither effort nor expenses. But only ONE will fly it….
More about Markus and his DEATHBLADE:
Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012
Flying People in New York City
Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012
Montag, 23. Januar 2012
GoPro verlängerung/extension
Preis pro Stück: CHF 39.00 (zzgl. Versandkosten)
Bestellungen per Email an:

Freitag, 13. Januar 2012
fly a kite
Some guys flies kite at the Bernina Pass since years - well done!